Inclusive Playgrounds: Kingsland Primary School Case Study

HAGS has worked closely with this Yorkshire-based SEN school to create three play areas that meet their children’s sensory needs and support their physical and emotional development.

A nurturing environment for children with Special Needs

An Ofsted-rated "outstanding" school with two sites in Wakefield, Kingsland Primary School caters for children aged 2-11 who have a number of learning disabilities. Most of the children are on the autism spectrum.

Kingsland school provides a very caring educational environment with significant outdoor learning provision, used by the different classes for curriculum-linked activities or at break time. The school’s ethos “children at the heart of what we do” resonates strongly with us at HAGS and we thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with them to design three playgrounds supporting the well-being and development of their children. This was achieved via a combination of products with high play value and carefully designed layouts, which make the children feel safe at the same time as providing a stimulating play experience.

Explore the Castleford site

The main play area is used by KS2 classes and offers various physical activities and social interaction opportunities. It is a very vibrant space where children are encouraged to communicate with their peers and have fun. The sensory integration area is a quieter space for children who need to retreat from the hustle and bustle of the main area when they feel overwhelmed. By having these two separate areas it gives pupils more choice and allows the school to tie in outdoor activity with curriculum project-based learning, such as social communication or sensory development programmes.

Explore the Stanley site

Nestled between a row of trees and a paved area, the play area has a narrow, linear layout optimising the space available and reflecting the natural progression of the play experience. Less confident children or those with severe disabilities can navigate the first part safely with their carer or teacher, and enjoy a wide range of movements owing to the accessible swings and the Swingo rotating swing. Children who feel confident enough to tackle more challenging play structures will move on to the second zone which features our PlayCubes and a multi-play unit. 

Play equipment suitable for SEN children and schools

The play structures that our designers selected are all familiar to the children of Kingsland school, as they would see them in mainstream playgrounds. Here they enjoy unlimited access to their favourite play units. 

UniPlay bespoke playground structure

Bespoke UniPlay structure

This steel UniPlay playground structure has been tailored to the customer's needs to provide numerous physical play opportunities in a compact layout.

Find out more about how to choose or build a multiplay unit

Olympic double swing with basket swing seat, swing seat for disabled children and classic swing seat

Double swing frame

The Olympic double swing frame offers different experiences with a multi-user basket swing, a Mirage swing seat suitable for children with physical disabilities and a classic Rinda flat seat. Movement-based activities have a soothing effect on children and help them settle when feeling overwhelmed.

Spinmee roundabout

Spinmee inclusive roundabout

The Spinmee roundabout offers easy access for wheelchairs users and nurtures playful communication between the players and their carers or peers. 

Hover seesaw

Hover seesaw

The rocking movement of this seesaw meets some of the children's sensory needs and help them manage sensory overload. They also have the opportunity to interact with a friend.

Mirage roundabout for disabled children

Mirage Revolution roundabout

Children with disabilities can comfortably sit in one of the Mirage seats and enjoy the soothing spinning motion. 

Bronco rocker

Bronco spinner

This small spinning unit has a playful, non-prescriptive shape to spark children's interest. The circular motion also helps with their sensory needs. 



A great piece of equipment to encourage children to burn off energy.  

Swingo seesaw

Swingo rotating seesaw

This playground unit offers two different motions, both circular and up and down. It also encourages face-to-face communication.


With their sculpture-like form, PlayCubes encourage children of all ages to invent new ways to play and interact as they climb on, around, and through.

PlayCubes are available in two material options: roto-moulded plastic or metal. Several pre-configured designs have been created for each material option, so you're sure to find the perfect fit for your playground.


PlayCubes Metal

PlayCubes Plastic

geometry inspired playground structure PlayCubes


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